Looped string bag made from twisted dogbane, milkweed, and stinging nettle fibers with four small abalone shell pendants.
Looped string bag made from 2-ply New Zealand flax leaves and dogbane fibers with two Grey pine nut toggles.
The black New Zealand flax fibers were dyed in a mixture of acorn / rusty nails solution.
Looped string bag created from the twisted cordage of seven different plant materials. The 2-ply string was made from (starting from the bottom of the bag) the leaves of New Zealand flax, yucca and chambira palm, along with the bast fibers of hau, stinging nettle, milkweed and dogbane. The bag was attached to a plaited rattan backpack.
Dip net made from 2-ply cordage of chambira palm fibers (knotless netting) and a rim of coast live oak branch.
The dimensions for the opening of the net are 9 1/2" x 13".
Net carrying bag made from dogbane cordage.
Coiled sweetgrass basket
Coiled hopper basket adhered to stone mortar with pine resin / charcoal mixture.
Twined baskets made out of tule (bulrush).
Itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny sedge basket on pinky finger.
Mini-tule mat
Twined basket made from American three square with overlay materials of beargrass leaves and equisetum roots.
Mini-willow burden basket
Willow woodpecker trap
Willow baskets
Willow burden basket on the right has a tumpline (carrying strap).
Willow crayfish trap with stone weights.
© KAHIKO Arts 2020
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Arts. Contact Dino Labiste at KahikoArts@yahoo.com.